Key Biscayne Women’s Giving Circle Grant


The Key Biscayne Women’s Giving Circle is devoted to growing philanthropy among women, with the aim of identifying and financially supporting programs for women and/or children in need throughout Miami-Dade County. The Key Biscayne Women’s Giving Circle is a fiscal sponsorship fund operating under the Key Biscayne Community Foundation’s 501(c)(3) charitable umbrella.

Eligibility: Nonprofit, tax-exempt community-based organizations. By invitation only.

Limitations: Programs generally not considered are: (1) programs involving specifically religious or sectarian activities; and (2) political activities or organizations.

Review Process: Grant applications will follow the following procedure: (1) applications will be screened by staff or grants committee members; (2) the grants committee will thoroughly review the applications; (3) a site visit or meeting with the applicant will be scheduled if necessary; (4) a recommendation will be brought to the executive committee for a vote; and (5) applicants will be notified in writing of the board’s decision.

Application Instructions

To apply, fill out the form below and attach all of the following requested documents. All documents must be in PDF format. Proposals should be concise and fit the parameters outlined below.

Click to download the Grant Overview (PDF).

Please attach the following documents in PDF format:

  • a list of the board, officers, and mission statement;
  • a copy of the IRS Determination Letter of 501(c)(3) status or a fiscal agent’s letter;
  • evidence of registration as charitable organization with the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services;
  • a copy of the organization’s current fiscal year operating budget; and
  • a copy of the most recent 990 tax form and audit (if available).

The project narrative should be no more than two typed pages using 12-point font and should include:

  • The history and mission of your organization;
  • An in-depth description of the proposed project including: How your proposal will enhance the quality of life for women and/or children in need throughout Miami-Dade County; your project’s objectives and proposed strategies, activities, and timeline for achieving them; an estimate of how many volunteers will be involved in your project; how you will measure your success; and if applicable, list any organizations you will be partnering with in the project.

The project budget should include:

  • The total cost of the project. This should include the amount sought from the Key Biscayne Women’s Giving Circle, as well as other planned sources of support, if necessary, and the status of these requests, as appropriate, for sustaining the project when grant funds expire;
  • A line-item budget reflecting all expenses and income for the project; and
  • Identification of how the Key Biscayne Women’s Giving Circle money is to be spent.

Authorized Certification

The individual certifying and submitting this application form must be legally authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of your organization.

Authorized personnel are accountable for the information contained in the application form and its attachments, responsible for assuring performance of activities contained in the application and compliance with Key Biscayne Community Foundation policies and procedures. Authorized status is mandated by the organization’s official policy and action is conveyed in written documents authorizing named individuals to sign specific types of agreements on behalf of the organization and its board. Authorized personnel typically include the organization’s executive staff and executive board positions such as: executive director, CEO, CFO, board chairperson, etc.

Questions about this grant application? Contact us here.

Click to download a PDF version of the application, or apply online to via the button below.