iPads for Soldiers

The mission of iPads For Soldiers is to purchase and donate iPads to U.S. soldiers serving in Afghanistan and those wounded stateside in military hospitals.

In 2009, 25 year old Wes Pritchett (a recent West Point grad/Kiowa helicopter pilot) was deployed to Jalalabad…one of the most kinetic provinces in Afghanistan. Desperate to help in the most effective way, his mother Winnie anxiously awaited input from her son about what would truly be the most useful way to support. He reported that many of our deployed warriors serve in remote regions and have very limited access to TV, internet, cell phones, and no way to carry heavy books or computers in their 110-lb rucksacks. It became obvious to her that the typical care package of candy and magazines wasn’t enough. They needed something that allowed them to speak with their families back home, apps that could help them cope with strenuous situations, the ability to share photos with loved ones, watch movies, listen to music, read books, and even learn new skills/continue online educations and stay up to date on their training… what they really needed was an iPad.

As of March, 2024, we have gifted our heroes over 10,500 iPads. We are proud to say that our organization is run by an active volunteer based community, meaning we do not deduct any salaries, ever! These donations have impacted thousands of soldiers and it doesn’t stop there. In turn, thousands of family members and friends, as well as doctors and therapists, have greatly benefited.

Your generosity changes our troops lives! During your visit to our site today, please consider making a donation to help US help our heroes. And, please share our mission with your friends. The more help we receive, the more we are able to say “Thank you for your service.”

Learn more at iPadsforSoldiers.org.