Entrepreneurship Life Skills for Visible Impact – VISIBLE unites youth through positive core character values instead of separating them because of racial, economic, or social environments.

With their core values as the foundation on which they make choices, young people can learn how to create win-win outcomes. They begin to utilize each other’s strengths to collaborate as a team instead of competing based on insecurity.

VISIBLE understands the limitations that students may have with financial and social environments. They may be limited on some level by these circumstances, but these limitations do not have to impede their success.

The traditional approach lies in how many professionals and the mass media contribute to the portrayal of adolescents as “inevitable problems” that simply need to be fixed. Specific evidence of this “problem-centered” model is present across professional fields that deal with young people. Many connections can also be made to the current U.S. criminal justice model that favors punishment over prevention or proactive stimulation of their strengths.

VISIBLE recognizes this familiar approach to unhealthy behaviors and corrects it by incorporating a young person’s accountability and knowledge that their identity is based on positive core values. VISIBLE teaches accountability and opportunity based on this identity. Therefore, our students know they created their own consequences, and the blame on society or others is removed from the equation.

When one is focused on their best values as the visible aspect of who they are, they are naturally empowered to exhibit these qualities as their behaviors and habits.

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