Life Enhancement Forum
Our mission is to enhance life of residents through opportunities to learn from a panel of doctors, researchers, and practitioners. The programming entails: (1) lectures from doctors, researchers, and practitioners on best practices for food and diet; (2) scientific reports and news on combating chronic-illness through diet and exercise; and, (3) opportunities to participate in evidence-based exercises like Matter of Balance, Enhance Fitness, and Tai Chi.
Our partners include the Key Biscayne Community Foundation; the University of Miami’s Integrative and Complementary Academic Medicine Program (iCamp); the Key Biscayne Community Center; the Key Biscayne K-8 Center PTA; Wellness in the Schools; and Rezilir Health.
Healthy Aging
The Key Biscayne Life Enhancement Forum encourages a balanced and self-determined model for healthy aging. The Life Enhancement Forum makes seniors agents in their own aging process through mental, physical, social, and emotional wellness interventions. Through the guidance of our advocates and experts, the Healthy Aging initiative incorporates findings from current research on aging, cognitive functioning, lifestyle, and diet to promote health and wellness for the senior population of Key Biscayne.
Healthy Living
Given the aims of the Healthy Aging initiative, there is a natural overlap between the Healthy Aging and the Healthy Living programs at the Key Biscayne Life Enhancement Forum. Evidence suggests that a key to aging healthfully and mitigating age-related cognitive decline is an engaged, active, and stimulating life – socially, mentally, and physically. Healthy Living provides programs and lectures that enable residents to engage in evidence-based activity to support mental, physical, and emotional wellness, at any age.
Healthy Eating
The Healthy Eating program promotes healthier food environments, not just for the nutritional benefits, but also for the behavioral and emotional benefits of a balanced, healthy diet. Through the Wellness in the Schoolsprogram, Healthy Eating inspires healthy eating, environmental awareness and fitness as a way of life for kids in public schools. Wellness in the Schools is creating healthier environments for children to learn and grow in Charles R. Drew K-8 Center and Key Biscayne K-8 Center.