Michael’s Magic Camp – 2018

Michael’s Magic Camp will be from July 9th – Aug. 3rd, 2018!
Established in the spring of 2003, the Michael Scholz Memorial Charitable Fund honors former Key Biscayne resident Michael Scholz, his passion for the outdoors, and his magical way of touching the lives of the people he brought together. The fund’s mission is to teach young people how to preserve and protect South Florida’s fragile environment and ecosystem, and places special emphasis on reaching youth who face challenges, such as those who live at or below the federal poverty line, are mentally or physically disabled, have experienced mental or physical abuse, or who would otherwise lack the opportunity to experience South Florida’s unique tropical beauty.
The Michael Scholz Memorial Fund was established by Michael’s family and friends to honor his memory and his winning and giving spirit. The fund strives to have Michael’s integrity and altruistic spirit endure beyond his short time on Earth.
This camp is sponsored by the Michael Scholz Memorial Charitable Fund, the Miami-Dade Department of Cultural Affairs along with the Children’s Trust and the Board of County Commissioners.
The camp gives underprivileged inner-city children the experience of a lifetime. The children are able to experience their natural environment and are taught how to swim, kayak, and perform scientific experiments.
Thanks to the many generous donations and grants received by the Biscayne Nature Center, we are able to offer this four-week FREE camp to 80 children at no cost to them or their families. We are grateful to be able to help our community in such an important way, and are anxiously awaiting next year’s camp. If you would like to make a donation for next year’s camp, give us a call.
Session 1: July 9th – August 3rd, 2018 (4 weeks)
For more information go to:http://www.biscaynenaturecenter.org/sum_camp/sum_camp.html