2018-19 Concert Series Schedule

September 23, 2018


5:00pm @ Key Biscayne Community Center • 10 Village Green Way

The New World Symphony, America’s Orchestral Academy (NWS), prepares graduates of music programs for leadership roles in professional orchestras and ensembles.

This event is free and open to the public.

November 16, 2018


7:00pm @ Crossbridge Church Key Biscayne • 160 Harbor Drive

In partnership with the Miami International Piano Festival. We are pleased to present the Italian pianist, composer, and conductor, Francesco Libetta “The Pianist of the Impossible”.

Purchase tickets at www.keybispiano.com.

DECEMBER 1, 2018


6:00pm @ Village Green Park

Join us on the Village Green for an evening of live music and holiday cheer for the whole family.

This event is free and open to the public.

DECEMBER 15, 2018


7:00pm @ Crossbridge Church Key Biscayne • 160 Harbor Drive

Seraphic Fire brings top ensemble singers and instrumentalists from around the country to perform repertoire ranging from Gregorian chant and Baroque masterpieces, to Mahler and various leading composers.

This event is free and open to the public.

DECEMBER 1, 2018


4:00pm @ Key Biscayne Community Center Gymnasium

Since 1990, Fushu Daiko has been training in the art of Taiko, a musical art form that builds on a 2600+ year old tradition of Japanese drumming. Their music combines the traditional drums and rhythms of Japan with musical styles from around the world, such as jazz and rhythm and blues, to create an exciting, powerful cross-cultural experience that strives to cross boundaries and connect cultures.

Jorge Alfano will be playing the Japanese Shakuhachi flute alongside the Fushu Daiko drummers.

This event is free and open to the public.

Welcome to the 2018-19 Winter Music Concert Series

The Winter Music Concert Series is a program made possible by the Village Council of Key Biscayne with support from the Key Biscayne Community Foundation. This initiative is led by Committee members: Clinton Bush, Amarylli Fridegotto, Gloria Kahn, Carol A. Kiryluk, and Patricia Woodson with the help of Melissa White, Todd Hofferberth, and Ana Colls.

From September to April, there is a monthly concert in the Village of Key Biscayne that showcases the best local musicians with everything from choirs to quartets, orchestras to jazz bands. Winter Music Concert Series partners include the Village of Key Biscayne with support from the Key Biscayne Community Foundation.

Winter Music Concert Series Committee Members

Clinton G. Bush III

Clint is a lifelong music lover who began with classical piano training and eight years of choral singing in secondary school and university choirs, and then merged these two disciplines into singing blues and contemporary music at the keyboard. He currently performs with the Master Chorale of South Florida, the Master Chorale Chamber Chorus, and the St. Christopher’s Church Choir. He is a supporter and avid fan of Seraphic Fire, the New World Symphony, and the Miami Children’s Chorus, and his participation on the Key Biscayne Winter Music Concert Series committee is a natural extension of his enthusiasm for the vibrant Miami music scene.

Todd Hofferberth

Todd is a high-level public servant in the Parks and Recreation Department of Key Biscayne, Florida who hopes to advance his career and improve his favorite village, while working towards his goal of becoming President. Todd is a proud member of numerous civic committees in and around city hall, including, but not limited to: the Winter Music Concert Series Committee, the WinterFest Committee, the Fourth of July Committee, the ASK Club Board, the Lighthouse Run Committee, the Youth Advisory Committee, and the Dog Park Committee.

Carol A. Kiryluk

To her current pro bona consulting practice, Ms Kiryluk brings many years of senior corporate and operations experience in major multi-national energy, manufacturing, and consumer products companies directing human resources and business development. Ms Kiryluk has worked directly in more than 60 countries and world regional markets.

In recent times, she has been working with select not-for-profit organizations in defining and executing focused, cost effective, results oriented organizational and operating structures. Ms. Kiryluk remains active at all levels with her undergraduate alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, as well as participating in Cornell University’s President’s Councils. She has been actively involved as a Mentor and an Advisor to programs/organizations working with Children in the Foster Care system aging out of the system and has been a Mentor under the Women of Tomorrow high school mentoring program in S. Florida as well as with the management team and individual foster care youth in the organization: Educate Tomorrow.

Currently, Ms Kiryluk is active with the New World Symphony in underwriting the instrument repair and purchase program for the NWS Fellows community outreach program at Miami Northwest High School and is mentor to two NWS Fellows in a formal capacity.

Amarylli Fridegotto

Amarylli is an Italian concert pianist, teacher, and entrepreneur. She is loved and respected by the Keybiscayners for her human and educative labor with the young students through teaching them how to play the piano at her Key Biscayne Piano Academy.

Amarylli is the sum of all the master teachers with whom she has studied: Anna Barutti at the Conservatory of Music B. Marcello in Venice, Italy; Eugenio Bagnoli at the prestigious Fondazione Cini – Fondo Ottorino Respighi at St. George Island, Venice. Italy; “Hochshule fur Musik” in the Universitat Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria with Gyorgy Sandor (Juilliard School of Music); and Alexander Lonquich in Assisi and Genova, Italy. She acquired the “Russian Technique” through a long collaboration with the Russian Master Konstantin Bogino, pianist of the prestigious Tchaikovsky’s piano Trio. In 2018, Amarylli founded the “Key Biscayne Piano Concert Series” where world-renowned concert pianists will perform.

Gloria A. Kahn

Her mother, a pianist, and her father, an opera lover and excellent tenor, Gloria was born into a Colombian home where music, literature, and art were always present. Dreaming of piano and ballet since she was a young girl, she founded her own Ballet Academy “Terpsicore” in order to share the beauty of dance with girls in Bogota’s underprivileged neighborhoods. She directed the Art Gallery, “El Callejon” in Bogota. She also published four books, “Panorama Artistico Colombiano” that were awarded with the “First Bronce Medal” at the International Art Fair in1979 in Leipzig, and the “Art Book  Honorary Diploma” Award Winner at the International Art Fair in Leipzig in 1982.

Patricia Woodson

Daughter of a musical father, who played saxophone, clarinet, sang, and arranged music in the Swing era, Patricia grew up immersed in jazz, classic rock, classical music and blues, attending every live performance possible up and down the East Coast.

A dozen years of contemporary dance, piano studies, and a few years of singing with choirs deepened her appreciation of contemporary and classical music, eventually including opera. Travels in Africa, South America, and Asia ignited a passion for “world music” especially the music of Brazil and Asian music instruments such as Balinese gamelan, Japanese shakuhachi flute, taiko drumming and the Chinese Guzheng zither harp.