- March 23, 2020
- Posted by: KBCF
- Category: COVID-19 Support
Emergency Order 20-3 Non-Resident Travel Update
On March 22nd, the Village executed Emergency Order 20-3 restricting non-resident travel. This morning (March 23rd) the Village of Key Biscayne implemented a checkpoint to help further limit the spread of COVID-19 in support of the order. Implementation of the checkpoint caused significant traffic congestions and delays. We recognize that this action has caused significant disruption.
At this time, a police presence, but not a checkpoint, will remain at the entrance to the Village, and signage will be placed to specify that travel restrictions are in place. We strongly encourage all residents and businesses to make every effort to restrict the need for off-island individuals to travel to and from the island.
Emergency Order 20-3 was written to ensure the health and safety of Village residents by minimizing opportunities for exposure to COVID-19. We will be carefully evaluating the list of essential services to clarify which off-island services and employees will continue to be allowed on-island. As we determine these additional restrictions, we will announce them as far in advance as possible to allow residents and businesses to make necessary adjustments.
Thank you for your patience and continued support of the actions the Village is taking to protect your health and safety while minimizing the disruption to your life or business.
Remember CDC guidance to protect yourself.
- Clean your hands often
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community.
The Village is executing an abundance of caution to PROTECT our community. We will continue to COMMUNICATE Village-wide efforts and take necessary ACTION to keep the Village of Key Biscayne safe and healthy.
Thank you,
Andrea Agha
Village Manager