Emergency Hardship Grant


In order to apply, you must be referred to us by a Key Biscayne resident or employee. This is a requirement on the form and applications missing this information may not be considered.

The Key Biscayne Community Foundation provides assistance to Miami-Dade County residents who can show financial difficulty which is unexpected and beyond their control.

Assistance is intended for those qualified recipients who have experienced true emergencies, disasters, medical crises, or other personal hardships and tragedies which require a measure of temporary financial relief.

Grant Range & Limitations

Financial hardship grants to individuals range from $250 up to $2,500. Once a grant decision is made by the Foundation, the financial hardship grant application will not be reviewed or considered additional times unless there is significant new and specifically relevant information.

Review Process

Grant applications are reviewed by the Key Biscayne Community Foundation’s grant committee on a monthly basis. Applications can be submitted at any point via the button below and those received before the 10th of each month will be reviewed that same month.

Required Documentation

Documentation will be requested from each applicant to confirm the financial expense for which the applicant is applying for assistance, which includes proof of financial need or hardship, proof of income (pay stubs or most recent tax return), and/or any other documentation needed to complete the application process. Applications missing the required documentation may not be considered.

Please note: Our hardship grants are not intended to provide long-term, continuous relief. The applicant bears the burden of sufficiently documenting the hardship. Based upon the available information provided, the Foundation Board of Directors or their designee(s) will determine the grant amount and must approve all hardship grants. Every case depends on the facts and circumstances specific to that case, and is defined by the totality of the circumstances and documentation. The hardship grant information and any further information requested will be for the sole use of the Board of Directors, or their designee(s), and will be retained in the strictest confidence. While all emergencies and financial hardships are unfortunate, incidents outside of program guidelines cannot be approved.

Click here to download the PDF Application, or submit online via the button below.