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Free Plastic | Recycling Community Plastic and Plastic Pollution

Please join us Thursday, September 19th at 7:00PM for an enlightening lecture on recycling and ways to re-use the endless amount of plastics polluting our waters and environment.


  • Nathan Moyer is a co-founder of Free Plastic, an organization that farms plastic pollution from our local environment and upcycles it into usable objects and works of art.
    The presentation will discuss the current recycling situation in South Florida, various types of plastics and how to recycle them, the often-overwhelming amount of plastic pollution, and how we can make a positive impact with local recycling of plastics. Nathan will be accompanied by Amancio Paradela (Co-founder of Free Plastic).
  • Thursday, September 19th, 2019  @ 7:00pm
    Key Biscayne Community Center, 10 Village Green Way
    Lighthouse Room, 2nd Floor. Free admission