- August 17, 2022
- Posted by: Key Biscayne Community Foundation
- Category: Community Blog
Chief Press Foundation Remains Committed to Liberty City
Back in 2004, former Key Biscayne Chief of Police Charles R. Press had a dream to create a charitable foundation that would bridge the deep divide between Miami’s urban, disenfranchised youth and law enforcement.
In partnership with the Key Biscayne Community Foundation, Chief Press launched the Chief Press Foundation. As its first endeavor, they rallied to raise funds to purchase hundreds of toys and turkeys for Liberty City children, seniors, and their families during the holiday season.
Almost twenty years since its founding, the Chief Press Foundation (CPF) continues to make a lasting impact in Liberty City and its adjacent communities. The holiday toy and turkey drive remain CPF’s flagship events. But, CPF has expanded the core of its programming to include food security, pre-owned furniture donations, back-to-school backpack giveaways, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training for local law enforcement officers throughout Miami-Dade County.
Upon retiring in 2021, after more than 47 years in law enforcement, Chief Press doubled down on his philanthropic foundation, diligently working to build powerful partnerships within Miami’s urban core communities.
Why is the Chief Press Foundation a critical community resource for Liberty City?
“CPF is essential because it was created to bridge the gap between police officers and inner-city youth and their families. For too long, there has been a tremendous amount of distrust between the two, often built from police actions that have been illegal or overaggressive. With a lack of trust came a lack of cooperation from the community to aid police investigations, often frustrating police efforts to create a safe environment for the neighborhoods.
As police professionals, it is incumbent upon us to be the change agents we are paid to be.”
What organizations do you partner with in Liberty City to facilitate your ability to catalyze change?
“CPF could not have had its impact without our partners, that have provided so much of the support needed to deliver the necessary and life-changing services.
The Key Biscayne Community Foundation, led by Ms. Melissa White, has provided the backbone of support for our efforts. Through her leadership, we have received administrative support that allows all donations to go directly to those in need. With her dedicated leadership, we created a “Sister City Initiative” with Liberty City, unheard of in the political landscape…
The Children’s Trust, Miami-Dade County’s children’s foundation, has added its support by funding the Fab Lab Miami, which aims to inspire and nurture the pursuit of coursework and careers in STEAM through a maker-driven, hands-on experience with digital fabrication and STEAM activities.
Love Moving provides a link between the donations and its intended recipients by helping deliver food during the pandemic and lightly-used donated items to households in need.
The Himan Brown Charitable Trust has been a core partner since the early days of the CPF and has become our most prominent donor. The funds they provided helped launch our most recent venture, the Chief Press Food Pantry at the Belafonte TALCOCY Center (TACOLCY) in Liberty City. I’m happy to report that TACOLCY is the new home and the epicenter for our current and future programming.
Many vital individuals, honestly too many to name, have also assisted.”
August kicks off a crucial season for the CPF. What events occurred this month that you’d like to highlight?
“August has always been a kickoff to our events season, and this year is no different. With COVID somewhat controlled and children back in schools, we have recently celebrated our Back to School Summer Jam in partnership with TACOLCY, providing hundreds of backpacks filled with school and hygiene essentials in anticipation of the school year. This program promotes education and goodwill among police and the community.
In addition, we kicked off the grand opening of the Chief Press Food Pantry, a long dream of mine to provide healthy staples to families experiencing difficulties with the economic downturn.”
Does CPF have any notable events planned for the rest of the year?
“Coming up, we have our annual turkey giveaway and Thanksgiving luncheon for several hundred community members in Liberty City. This year we also intend to include additional services such as health clinics, sports activities for children, and music. Finally, in December, we return to Liberty City to distribute hundreds of toys to children of all ages and deliver turkeys to their families, ensuring a festive Christmas and Kwanzaa celebration.”
How can the Key Biscayne community and local partners continue to support CPF’s endeavors?
“The citizens of Key Biscayne have always shown their generosity by donating funds, time, and goods to the foundation. Now is no different; without their kindness, we cannot continue to deliver on our promises to the Liberty City community.
Winn Dixie has been our major food partner, providing goods at wholesale price and even donating money out of their own employee’s pockets to assist us in this worthy endeavor. Their continued support is critical to our efforts with the new food pantry.”
To learn more about how you can support The Chief Press Foundation, click here.