- May 16, 2019
- Posted by: KBCF Intern
- Category: Foundation News
DATE: June 1, 2019
The 13th annual Bob Kemper Memorial Key Biscayne Rib Offwill be held Saturday, June 1, 2019 at Key Biscayne Yacht Club.
The entry fee for a team is $100.00 (for two persons) and includes six racks of ribs, two shirts and entry to the event. Teams with more than two persons must pay the spectator entrance fee ($30.00) for each additional team member. Payment of fee can be made by KBYC member number or check to Key Biscayne Yacht Club.
The schedule for the Rib-Off is:
Wednesday 1930 – Mandatory Captain’s Meeting
Thursday 1930 – Rib Distribution
Saturday 1300 – Deadline for all teams at cooking locations
Saturday 1600– Band
Saturday 1700 – Judges meeting
Saturday 1800-1900 – Judging
Saturday 1915 – Posting of results
Saturday 2000- DJ Yoi
Sunday 1200 – Deadline for clearance of stations
Mandatory captains’ meeting at 1930 on WEDNESDAY May29th by Commodores Patio (outside KBYC tent). At this meeting, all teams must pay their entrance fee (check or KBYC Member Number) and will receive 6 official racks of ribs to be used in the contest (use of any other ribs by contestants is grounds for disqualification). Additionally, at the meeting, teams will be assigned their cooking locations on the property and turn-in times.
All teams can begin setting up Friday after sundown or on Saturday prior to 1300. KBYC will not be providing/lending any equipment or supplies. Stations may not exceed the assigned area and two registered team members must be present. For safety reasons, persons who are not members of teams should not enter the assigned team cooking area. Each team shall provide a trash receptacle and shall place all garbage in this receptacle. All cooking apparatus shall be provided by contestants and contained in the cooking area. Once service is complete, teams should put out all flames and fires and turn off all propane bottles. Knifes and other dangerous items should be secured at the station.
Teams must have all equipment off KBYC property and clean up cooking areas by 1200 on Sunday. Teams that do not comply with this requirement will not be invited to participate in future competitions.
Each team will be provided with a numbered container for blind judging. Three ribs will be placed in the container for judging and given to the runner at the designated turn-in time assigned to the team at the Thursday meeting. It is expected that teams will use one of six racks (12 bones) for team sampling and judging. Five racks are expected to be made available to Rib-Off guests (discussed below).
Using Kansas City BBQ Society Rules, all ribs judged in three categories: taste, texture, and appearance. The judging in detail is below. A side dish may be made available to guests and contestants at stations, but shall not be placed in the judging containers. Placing of anything other than ribs in the judging container will be grounds for disqualification.
1. Entries will be judged and scored in the areas of Appearance,Tenderness/Texture and Taste. The scoring system is 9 (Excellent) to 2 (bad). All whole numbers between 2 and 9 may be used to score an entry. The starting point is 6. A score of 1 is a disqualification and requires approval by the full Rib Off Council.
1. Garnish will not be allowed in the turn-in box.
2. No sauce containers will be allowed in the turn-in box.
3. Ribs may be presented with or without sauce or seasonings.
4. If you choose to use a sauce with your ribs, it must be applied to the ribs. Sauce must not be pooled in the container.
5. Marking or sculpting of any kind, of the meat or of the container, will not be allowed.
6. No aluminum foil or stuffing is allowed in the container (except as may be provided by runner)
7. No toothpicks, skewers, foreign material or stuffing is permitted.
8. Any entry not complying with these rules will be given a 1 in all judging categories.
Once the judging is complete, guests will be allowed on contestant row to sample ribs. Teams shall cut all ribs into one bone portion for service to guests. Only guests with wrist bands shall be served a rib and only one rib shall be made available to each guest. Remember this is a fundraiser.
Teams are encouraged to provide a side dish sample for service to guests and fellow contestants.
No one is expected to feed everyone. Club will have BBQ buffet for all ticket holders.