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Citizen Science Project | Worldwide Issues in Mangrove Conservation

Thursday, December 13th, 2018 At 7:00pm
Key Biscayne Community Center 10 Village Green Way
Lighthouse Room, 2nd Floor
Free Admission & Open
to the Public. Refreshments will be served.
Space is limited! Please register at the Front Desk. (305) 365-8900
*Students are encouraged to attend with a parent or guardian*
Rafael Araujo is a Research associate of the Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries of the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. He holds a degree in Marine Biology from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University (Bogotá, Colombia) and a Masters in Marine Affairs from the University of Miami. A specialist in mangrove ecosystems, he has worked on various projects in Florida, the Caribbean, the Middle East and China. He is currently associate editor of the Bulletin of Marine Science, is writing a book on American mangroves, and is a consultant for the
Darién Sustainable Development Program, Panama.