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Key Biscayne Stands Up to Bullying with Retro Bill

Key Biscayne Principals’ Coalition and Chief Press Foundation welcome you to a presentation by Retro Bill for our parents. The presentation by Retro Bill will take place on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 7:00pm at Key Biscayne’s Crossbridge Church.

The Retro Bill Show is in its 13th year of live appearances and is currently the most in-demand Kindergarten through 12th grade Assembly Program in the United States and Canada.

On the road over 300 days a year, RETRO BILL speaks to over 1 MILLION American and
Canadian school children annually!

Retro Bill adapts his presentation (in topic and delivery) to be age-appropriate for the audience he speaks to. He will be presenting his show to students at various schools on Key Biscayne, and has tailored this show specifically for our parents.

This event is free and open to the public. If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at (305) 361-2770. retro-bill-poster-v1